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R1SE Insurance Amazon Seller Quote
Need Help? Call us on
0161 706 2340
Tell us about the business you are looking to protect
Your Name
Company Name
Company Address
Phone Number
Where did you hear about us?
Tell us about your business
Estimated Turnover (next 12 months)
What are you selling?
Where will you be selling your Product(s)? Please provide a link to any sites you are currently selling including
Amazon Store / Product page
Own site
Percentage of sales in the UK (%)
Percentage of sales in the EU (%)
Percentage of sales in the USA (%)
Percentage of sales in the Rest of the World (%)
Where do you source your products from?
Do your products meet the minimum safety regulations?
Do you have any Quality Control or Protections in place for your business
Do you have any third-party checks on your products?
Do you purchase your stock through Alibaba?
Do you have any rights of recourse with your supplier? (This is ability to pass the liability or claim on to, or receive reimbursement or indemnity from your supplier)
Would you like to provide any additional information on this section?
What would you like a quote for?
Public & Products Liability
Do you require Employers Liability?
Stock Cover
Cargo / Goods in Transit Cover
Cyber Insurance
Current Insurer
Target Premium (£ Per Year)
Policy Start Date
November 22nd, 2024